Living Fearlessly

Shitty And Glorious Mind Funks!

· An Authentic Look At Life When We Allow Our Ego Mask To Fall Away ·

Learning to trust yourself and show up as the real you can be one hell of a rollercoaster ride.

Last year was a very challenging ‘mind funk’ year for me, both personally and professionally.

This is a follow up to the survive and thrive in the crazy cycle of life post.

I experienced many new situations and feelings which caught me off guard.

During my year of living fearlessly I surprised myself more than ever before.

Although it’s been shocking and unpredictable, it’s also been a lot of fun. I’ve experienced more mental freedom and have witnessed both my own, and other people’s capacity for resilience.

I allowed my mask to fall away.

I’ve been more brutally true to myself, than I’ve ever allowed myself to be.

You see when I wrote my book Living Fearlessly I experienced a deep personal transformation about how I see both myself and the world.

As a result I gave myself permission to be human. Truthfully, it wasn’t really a decision. I didn’t need to decide.

I just started being more like my true self. This is the nature of insight. We are transformed to another level of consciousness because we see something new.

I discovered that sometimes I’m in a shitty mind funk, and at others I feel glorious! I overflow with joy.

It’s been disconcerting for those close to me because although I’ve never been someone to hide my feelings, I’m now letting them spill out all over the place.

It can be messy. Living fearlessly isn’t for the faint-hearted.

It’s about facing up to who you are in all of your imperfect humanity.

I’m colouring outside of the lines and my essence isn’t being contained by anybody else’s rules and regulations.

Whilst I still sometimes find myself spinning in self-doubt, which I can assure you is extremely human, I now worry about it less.

I’m learning to be okay with being imperfect. I’m okay with not pretending to have my shit together all of the time.

I can laugh out loud, or cry like a crazy person without self-judgement. It’s just a part of the cycle. I’m not terrified of my feelings and emotions any longer.

I’m more often, but not always, at peace with being me. It’s a journey. I still have a long, long way to travel.

I suspect my emotions will balance out as I become more at ease with being the true me.

I don’t always love me – sometimes my ego takes over and wants me to be different, better, more talented , etc.

But ultimately, when my mind is quiet, for those few brief, beautiful moments, I’m more okay with being me than I’ve ever been in my life.

It’s a wonderful feeling and I wish it for you.

Start here: Living Fearlessly