Living Fearlessly

Want To Fall In Love With Your Business Again?

Wish you could love your business again like you used to? Wonder where the passion went?

The problem seems elusive. You can’t quite put your finger on it. You used to love your business but now it seems like one big chore. And it’s been that way for a while.

You remember the days where you couldn’t wait to jump out of bed and your business was exciting.

Nowadays you can’t seem to get to the stuff on your to-do list that you’d love to focus on.

When will you even get to the point where you can review those management reports or sales figures without being interrupted mid-flow by a crisis?

When will you have time to work on the exciting new revenue stream that keeps trying to catch your attention?

The answer is that when you’re too busy putting out fires, the important stuff doesn’t get done so if you continue on in the same direction, then you’ll never have time!

You dream:

One day you’ll pour your energy into what you really want to focus on.

One day you’ll have enough time to implement the exciting idea bubbling away at the back of your mind.

One day you’ll have time to go on holiday with your family and not spend most of it stressing about your business.

How fantastic would it be if your company ran like a well oiled machine and you could instead reap the rewards of all of your years of hard work?

That’s one of the reasons you started your business isn’t it?

You thought you’d put in the work and then be able to enjoy the fruits, later on.

But these days it seems as though no matter how hard you work or how much you try to motivate your team, you never reach your destination of operations running smoothly.

And let’s not even get started on your personal life. What personal life? That’s a blog post for another day. At this point getting your life back seems like a luxury you can’t afford.

From the moment you wake up in the morning until the second you manage to drop off to sleep, you’re stressing about your business.

Or it certainly feels that way! The more it weighs on your mind, the more stressed you become.

Is the only solution to sell your company or close your business so you can get your life back? You’re beginning to think it might be so.

Perhaps you should just give up on your dream.

But there are so many people dependent on you. And honestly you don’t really want to give up. You would just like to feel the way you used to feel. You’d love to get your motivation back.

The good news is that giving up isn’t the answer.

Unfortunately, the more stressed you become, the more impossible it is to see the solution!  When we have a compromised state of mind, we’re ineffective and unproductive.

We look for solutions in the wrong places. We think other people’s behaviour is the problem. We think there’s not enough time in the day. We think the business is the problem.

We rearrange things so much we can’t remember what was rearranged in a effort to fix the initial ‘problem.’

We don’t understand that the only problem is the lens we’re seeing our business through. I don’t like the word mindset because our minds are never set; they fluctuate. But whatever you wish to call it, state of mind is a powerful force and it affects everything we do.

Once you realise what’s really going on, it becomes easier to turn things around. You see solutions under your nose which you couldn’t see when you were too busy thinking doom and gloom thoughts.

Once you have this wonderful elusive thing called clarity, taking action becomes easy. You know what to do. Suddenly you begin to love your business again and life looks rosy.

To begin your transformation, check out my Living Fearlessly books