Living Fearlessly

How To Be Motivated Without Stress

June 10, 2018

The key thing which helps us to be and stay motivated.

Hi, this is Rachel Henke, Author of the “Living Fearlessly Guide To Stress-Free Productivity.

This is the next video in the Stress-Free Productivity Video Series.

Today, I’m going to talk to you about when you struggle to get motivated and what to do about it.

Our productivity naturally increases when we allow ourselves to follow our inspiration by which I mean when we allow ourselves to do more of what we want not what we think we should and I call this “natural motivation.”

We all have access to this natural motivation when we understand how our minds work. It’s as if we are plugged into an innate power source and, when we are following this wonderful inspiration, it’s as if it’s like we’ve got this inner spark and everything’s fueled by it and everything seems easier.

Suddenly, we’re productive. Effortlessly productive. It’s a phenomenal way to get more done very simply and to have more fun while you’re doing it. So, a very simple way to have more stress-free productivity going on in your business and life is to follow those breadcrumbs of how to do fun ways to do more of what you love.

It’s really that simple.

Begin being fearlessly productive today: The Living Fearlessly Guide To Stress-Free Productivity