Living Fearlessly

No Seven Step System for Life Changing Transformation

There's no 7-step system for life changing transformation! But there are reliable principles which underpin how humans operate. When you understand these principles, they support you through the most scary shifts.

Even if you feel as though your life is falling apart, you begin to have a sense that it’s all happening for a reason.

Transformation is messy and often painful. It also opens up the space for miracles. Maintaining the status quo; playing small and safe won’t necessarily stop transformation because often it happens to you without your consent. What the hell!

I’ve found it’s better to ride the wave and follow where life wants to take you instead of struggling to hold on to things as they are. (You can’t anyway because life is not in your control no matter how much you try to control it.)

Have you noticed how hard it is to make things happen the way you want? Whilst we may prefer life to be like a small swimming pool, it’s more like a flowing stream which occasionally, often without warning, tosses you about like an angry ocean.

Whoever would have thought I’d be living the lifestyle of a digital nomad after living in the same little village for 16 years? Not me! Not until last August when I discovered it was possible. By September 13th I’d embarked on my adventure. Transformation can happen fast – big changes don’t have to take 1, 5, 10 or 20 years.

But you have to take the first step in the direction which feels right to you. (You may also feel terrified and that’s okay. It will pass. That’s the nature of fear.)

The key is to follow that quiet inner voice. If you can’t hear it, don’t worry, it’s because you’re out of practice. It is there. Listen carefully. Listen more often. Don’t mistake it for ego though or you’ll end up in a dangerous direction.

I had no idea people really lived like I’m living now. I thought digital nomads lived in cheap crappy hostels and traveled around with back packs! Not my scene thank you …

Call me spoilt but I like more of a luxurious lifestyle. It turns out that living rent free in multi-million pound houses around the country (or even the world) is as cool as you might think.

It’s the same with everything we want to do. It doesn’t matter whether you’d like to be a digital nomad or not.

The point is we all have the potential to do amazing things but most of the time we don’t know they are possible and so we miss the opportunities right in front of our noses.

We were born fearless but as time goes on we forget how to live fearlessly.

What is that thing you know you need to do but you’re holding back on because you’re scared of the fallout if you make the necessary changes?

What is that thing you would LOVE to do but you’re too afraid?

What is that thing the quiet voice is asking you to do but you’re too scared to disappoint anyone so you ignore it?

I know change feels scary! As a young girl I struggled with anxiety. At age 16 someone named it for me so I had a new label for my fear. But I think the fear had been with me since I was 5 years old when my mother went into hospital one day and never came home.

We all have tragic, terrifying things happen to us. Some more than others. But it doesn’t mean we have to live in a straitjacket to keep ourselves safe.

There’s an easier way. It’s called mental freedom! And you have it within you, just like everyone else.

If you’d like to know more about Living Fearlessly have a read of my book. It may just change your life.