Living Fearlessly

The Power Of Living Fearlessly

We don't need to feel the fear and do it anyway ...


Hello, this is Rachel Henke, Transformative Coach and author of the Living Fearlessly books.

Today I’d like to talk to you about the power of living fearlessly. Now in my experience, if you’re watching this video, you’re either fully aware that you’re very fearful of the future. You worry about the implications of your actions. Things feel very difficult.

You get a lot done; you’re a high achiever, but everything feels stressful, and you need to really push to make things happen. And you would like more peace of mind.

You’d like more freedom in your life. You’d like to feel unstoppable, and that you can just go after your big goals and not be so scared of the future.

Or, you may be in a different group of people, who are not even really fully aware they’re fearful of the future, but things feel hard. You’re not living the life you want. Your business isn’t looking as you’d like it to look, or you’re not doing the things that you’d really like to do.

It’s simply that we can be so fearful that it’s the normal reality for us, so we don’t even understand how fearful we are.

The impact is that we don’t understand how restricted our life is, how we’re living it in a very small way, just to make sure that we’re okay, because we don’t understand what’s really going on.

Now it’s totally normal for us as humans to be fearful sometimes. A thought comes in our mind. It’s a scary thought, and if we believe it, then we’re instantly terrified. So how fearful we are of the future totally depends on how seriously we take our thoughts. Now, this leads us into traditional personal development, where, like myself, because I struggled with a lot of fear and anxiety since I was a child, I became a sort of, feel the fear and do it anyway, type.

And I would push through and get things done, and if something was scary for me, no worries, I’ll figure it out; I’ll push through and I will make it happen. I wouldn’t let fear defeat me, and I spent my life in that way. Now, many of you watching this may be the same.

The problem is that there is a price to pay. It becomes very stressful. It means that our whole lives are about fighting fear, breaking through blocks, slaying these imaginary dragons, shooting demons, cause we’re constantly on high alert. There’s a lot to be fearful of when you live in that, feel the fear and do it anyway, paradigm of having to push through.

And then there’s the other camp of people who, possibly that never worked for them. You might not have ever been able to psyche yourself up enough to do that kind of pushing through. Or you may have done a lot of it and you’ve just had enough. You’re kind of over it, which is where I was at when I discovered this living fearless understanding.

And you may be feeling burned out. You may be feeling tired of just constantly working and trying to achieve stuff, and you’re a high achiever. You’ve achieved a lot, but it never quite seems to be enough for you, and you don’t understand why. You don’t understand where the joy is, where the fun is. Like, what’s it all for, right?

If we wanna get really esoteric, it can get quite deep. You can be in either of those groups, and what I’d like to invite you to look towards today, and what I point to in all of my Living Fearlessly work, is a lighter, easier, more joyful real way of living our lives and building our businesses and creating our relationships. And when you start to understand more about how your mind works, how life really works, and what’s really going on when you freak yourself out, and are very fearful about the future, then life becomes simpler.

It becomes more joyful. It becomes, you become, more productive because we have everything already inbuilt into our human system to be super productive, to be highly innovative, to be high-performing, to be happy, to be fearless, to be unstoppable.

We have it all; we are the complete human kit, but we get in our own way because we don’t understand how it works. So with Living Fearlessly, I’m pointing you to all of this good stuff. I’m pointing you to how it works, how effortlessly you can start to shift into this more natural way of being that we’ve taken ourselves away from, with just a simple misunderstanding of how the principles behind life really operate. So if you’d like to know more about that, I’d love for you to join me on your living fearlessly journey.

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