Living Fearlessly

The Secret Of Happiness

May 3, 2018

Happiness isn't out there ...


Hi, this is Rachel Henke, Author of The Living Fearlessly Guide to Stress Free Productivity. I want to talk to you today about the secret of happiness. It’s not what we think. It’s not something that we need to go out there to get and to seek.

I spent many years seeking happiness, trying to figure out what the secret of happiness was. Not understanding that happiness is simply a feeling, and feelings come and go all of the time.

They change. They can change in an instant. So, happiness is something that’s available to us constantly. Because this feeling, this blissful feeling, as I like to call it, it’s our default setting and it’s available for you right now.

No matter how stressed you’re feeling, or how upset you might be feeling today. It’s always available for you below the surface. It’s the default setting.

When you’ve got lots of stressful thinking; manic, worried busyness going on in your head, that’s the only thing that’s clouding this beautiful access that we all have to happiness and productivity and stress free living.

So, settle down, let your mind just settle down and start to look to that. Because it’s there for you. If you’d like to learn more about how this works, read the Living Fearlessly books